Last Friday I had the opportunity to attend the most unique and sensorial wine tasting experience; Taste In The Dark event with Laithwaite’s at the Vintage Festival 2017 in Old Billingsgate. A tour around the globe in 380 wines.

It all started in a pitch-dark room where I couldn't even see my own hands. The tables were set with wine glasses and some mysterious black boxes. Lights went off and the fun started. 

We tried a variety of wines without having a clue of what they were, we had to guess whether they were red or white, and even the type. But that was the easy part, it got even more interesting when they started playing with our senses by introducing different types of music and textures to touch while tasting the same wine. It's absolutely mind blowing how switching from a very soft melody to a more vibrant one or by touching velvet or sandpaper, the same wine tasted completely different. It genuinely felt like drinking a wine from a different bottle. At some point I was totally clueless about what I was drinking anymore, my senses where a delicious chaos and I couldn't have been enjoying it more.    

It's amazing how emotional factors, humoral predisposition, environment and involvement determined by circumstances, can influence the result of wine tasting, even at a subjective level.

An experience like this is never complete without the right people, and I had the chance to share it with excellent blogger colleagues and the great team from The Blogger Programme. We had so much fun, I've never tried so many delicious wines from so many different countries in my life. I am definitely looking forward to to next edition of the Vintage Festival and more tasting experiences with Laithwaites.

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